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Real Estate Professionals Leverage Technology To Add Value To Homeowners

April 29, 2017 | Posted by: Rich Price

How Real Estate Professionals Can Take Charge of the Energy Industry with Powur’s Technology Platform

When a real estate professional is trying to sell a home there are lots of things for them to discuss, but a big and common question from homeowners will be about energy. We use energy every day whether we are charging our phones, turning on a light, or just relaxing watching TV, so it’s no surprise that potential buyers and homeowners would be curious about what kind of energy their home uses and how much it costs. For real estate agents and brokers, energy can make or break a sale.

The clients and homeowners get to choose the best solar service for them, which is why the Powur Platform has some of the best solar providers. From sales, to financing, to insulation, to customer service, the solar providers from the Powur Platform handle everything.

The Solar Providers Handle Everything

Powur also helps to connect clients instantly to the best solar providers, deals, and services. Your clients will thank you when you are able to show them a resource like this that can help them save big money that would be going to a giant utility bill.

With the Powur Platform, real estate professionals can help their clients save money and increase the value of their homes. The technology allows real estate professionals to instantly show homeowners ways that they can increase the value of their home and become utility independent so they are no longer susceptible to power outages, natural disasters, or other forms of energy loss.

Powur Can Help Clients Save Big Money

Solar homes also tend to sell more quickly than homes without solar energy. With environmental concern becoming a growing trend, people want clean energy that’s not going to have a negative impact on the environment. Solar energy is not only good for our future, but it’s also good for our planet.

Solar energy is a hot topic and is only going to continue to keep growing. One million homes are on track to get solar energy in the next two years, and over the coming ten years that number could get as high as 90 million. That’s a lot of people with solar homes.

Solar Energy Is a Growing Trend

So why should real estate professional care about this new technology? Here are three reasons why real estate agents and real estate brokers should consider utilizing the Powur Platform.

This is where the Powur Technology Platform comes into play. What is it? It’s a platform that makes it possible for real estate professionals to offer homeowners a zero down solar by connecting them with a local solar provider. With the Powur Platform, it’s easy and simple for homeowners to add their information and upload their current energy bill to submit to one or two of the Solar Providers on the platform.

Energy is a six million dollar industry and solar energy is just another way the industry will continue to grow. Powur makes it easy for real estate agents to capitalize on a solar business opportunity like no other.

For more information contact,

Rich Price – 949-795-8020
Powur Advisor

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